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Learn how to bake ARTISAN BREAD 

 know what it is made of, and eat simpler and healthier.

  • You followed exactly some recipe, but your bread was gummy with big holes or looked like a pancake.

  • You don't understand the language which people use in Facebook groups focused on bread baking.

  • You know you have to feed your starter but don't know how often, and you wonder why you have so much discard.

  • You feel that sourdough bread-making is difficult, so you don't even try to start.

Don't worry -  it is not that difficult! You just need to find out how sourdough behaves at your home, as its activity is affected by temperature, humidity, and the flour you use.

 I will give you clear instructions to recognize at which stage your dough is and when it is ready for the next step. You can have freshly baked bread at home too!


Everything you need to know about sourdough starter

This course is for you if you don't have a sourdough starter or you have one but do not know how to take care of it.


I will cover topics like feeding ratio, how to recognize the starter at its peak, if it is dead, or what to do when you need a break from baking.

Join for free and get answers to your questions about sourdough starter.


Sourdough bread with joy and ease

You want to get step-by-step instructions for the whole process, understand the glossary, and successfully bake sourdough bread in your home.


I will show you examples of baking schedules, explain the glossary, show you what you need to start, and I will show you a trick on how to recognize how much your dough is proofed.

Join if you are a beginner and wish bread baking will not be just an occasional thing for you but part of your lifestyle. You can have freshly baked bread at home anytime you want!

Consultation - sourdough bread baking

You actively bake bread, but there are one or few steps in the process which you need to clarify because you feel that is why your bread baking is always a lottery.

You feel, you don't need a course, because you have already a lot of information, but there are some steps where you are uncertain and you are tired of the trial and error method.

Why Zero Waste

Join @cookingroots_ca

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